Corona Blitz #2 Entry - Diggity Dig

Diggity Dig. Dig your way to earn enough money to save your house. It loosely relates to the energy theme in that we are mining for metals, gems, and fossil fuels.

This entry was done in 5.5 hours. The core was completed in 4 hours, but I added sounds and created the Buy Screen Gui so users could buy levels and power-ups.

I never did get a chance to implemented some of the other powers up (like increasd mining value) or the requirement to fill up the gas tank every once in a while. Nor did I even spend any time on graphics. All of my effort was spent on code, and a little on sound after the 4 hour mark to increase the user experience.

The game is fun, and can probably be finished in 20 minutes or so from beginning to end. (However, note, I never did create the end condition, and if you continue buying power ups, eventually the system will crash as I never implemented the logic to stop buying when the supply of power-ups runs out). I think level 10 is the max buying threshold for the items. If you get $100k, you win!

Here is the video of the application in use:

Here is the git Repository

Thanks and have a great day.

I Dig it!   :slight_smile:

Interesting game!  I like your use of primatives, as that’s all mine will look like too!  I probably won’t add music or sound either.

I Dig it!   :slight_smile:

Interesting game!  I like your use of primatives, as that’s all mine will look like too!  I probably won’t add music or sound either.