Corona Business UI/UX Framework

Hi Christopher,

The screenshots on the GitHub look extremely cool and am itching to try out your framework.

Is there an ETA for when the widgets and the bulk of the framework will be uploaded?

Thanks in advance and keep up the great work!

No ETA other than pretty soon I am launching it at the same time I launch my new tutorial site which is scheduled for the 1st but trying to get everything up a little faster :slight_smile:

Looks slick. Shame it wasnt around while I was writing TaskPad+ 

Do you know when you might get it out ?


Looking forward to this.  How’s it coming?

Hi Christopher, what you did with the HTML/aspx was fun to watch but what does this have to do with Corona/Lua? Just the challenge? If you can do this in aspx why then in Corona?


Hi Christopher,

Any update on when the library will be made available?


Hi Christopher,



I have been away for a little while and was wondering if the library is now available.




Hi Christopher,

Any update on this?

Haven’t had time to get this onilne been swamped writing encryption software so haven’t even had time to open corona in a very very long time, I will see what i can do about getting a breaking point and putting something up to github it is all pretty simple just time consuming…

You can do business apps with Corona all day long just a matter of managing the data correctly and writing logic to account for different device sizes which is actually easier now than in previous versions of the sdk.

Hi Christopher,

Any update on this?

Haven’t had time to get this onilne been swamped writing encryption software so haven’t even had time to open corona in a very very long time, I will see what i can do about getting a breaking point and putting something up to github it is all pretty simple just time consuming…

You can do business apps with Corona all day long just a matter of managing the data correctly and writing logic to account for different device sizes which is actually easier now than in previous versions of the sdk.