Corona CIDER Advanced Debugger with IDE - v 1.5.1- Update

Just downloaded the trial and tried out the debug mode which already helped me a lot! For some reason though the app is no longer starting when using debug mode and I don’t get any info in the output window other than the following
Copyright © 2009-2012 A n s c a , I n c .
Version: 2.0.0
Build: 2012.773
The file sandbox for this project is located at the following folder:
(/Users/iZeal/Library/Application Support/Corona Simulator/iDwarfs-A05A2048226CC003AC540A4BBC8A6075)

The Corona icon in the dock indicates its trying to start but nothing happens although the debug tools show up in the IDE.

EDIT: When starting the app in “normal” mode I don’t get any errors, but when I start it using CPM I do. [import]uid: 129450 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97322[/import]


I just force closed Cider because it was unresponsive after creating a new lua file.

File pane ->new->Other->Other->empty lua file


Happened only the first time creating a lua file. Maybe Cider hung while creating the option:

File pane->new->empty lua file [import]uid: 23864 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97332[/import],
Please get the updated LuaProjectType module. A bug in ciderDebugger.lua is fixed.

Bot 100% sure how CPM works but we suspect it does not keep all the resource files in the same folder as your source? Have you tried debugging other projects? Like the ansca examples for instance.

Thanks for letting us know about this. We will look into it.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97361[/import]


Sorry people - the error persists.

Also, there’s no output to Cider’s version of the output window - only the original Corona one.

It does seem likely that it has something to do with the version of Corona I’m using - 704 for windows. It’s the current version for those of us learning Corona (not yet subscribed and so not getting the latest daily builds).

Note that the user Dutchottie mentioned a similar error occurring with an early build but not when using a later build.

Windows simulator build date: Dec 9 2011 @ 14:01:29
Copyright © 2009-2011 A n s c a , I n c .
Version: 2.0.0
Build: 2011.704
waiting for netbeans debugger initialization
debugger started
Runtime error
bad argument #1 to ‘gsub’ (string expected, got function)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘gsub’
?: in function ‘ParseString’
?: in function ‘WriteTable’
?: in function ‘Write’
?: in function ‘WriteTable’
?: in function 'WriRuntime error: bad argument #1 to ‘gsub’ (string expe
cted, got function)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘gsub’
?: in function ‘ParseString’
?: in function ‘WriteTable’
?: in function ‘Write’
?: in function ‘WriteTable’
?: in function ‘Write’
?: in func
Copyright © 2009-2011 A n s c a , I n c .

[import]uid: 74068 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97365[/import],

Do you have a gchat account? We would love to get this problem resolved. We are also using the same build but cannot seem to get the error.
Let us know if you are free to chat. Our email is

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97377[/import]


Well Cider has just updated within the past 10 minutes or so and the error has GONE!

Not sure if it was coincidence or not but just prior to the update being found I went through all the initial settings again - setting the location of the Corona Simulator (Tools> Options etc).

If it was my not having things set up correctly then please accept my apologies. If it was something you guys found and released an update for then THANKS!

I knew my faith wasn’t misplaced with your excellent support and software. [import]uid: 74068 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97417[/import],

Thats great! Yes there was a bug fix and thankfully it fixed the issue. Let us know if you run into any other problems.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97435[/import]


WOW! This thread is getting longer and longer. I am having a blast with Cider. Congrats for another winner product. But what I love most is the reaction speed to bugs/feature requests. It is simply super human! I do not know how you guys do it with a team of 2 people but it is incredible!

My only problem is that with all the new additions (once every 5 mn it seems) I am playing your soft and not really finishing my app…not good:)

I will have more to say about Cider but I just wanted to say “thanks” for all the hard work.

Mo [import]uid: 49236 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97438[/import]

+1 lemsim. I had the same problem in the beginning, just playing with Cider instead of working on my app, it is really fun to have such control. I am much better now, but still can’t resist checking out the new features. [import]uid: 47723 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97542[/import]

i have not done an update in a good while, waiting for lots of kinks to be worked out. I just did the latest windows - update to cider. And not it will not debug my app any longer. Yes the require cider is in there.

Should I redownload the cider app itself?

Update – never mind - it started working… Not sure what happend [import]uid: 11860 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97552[/import]


Ah! ah! Do you know any CIDER meetings we can all go to talk things out and maybe get cured!!! I really have to go back to work on my app:)

Mo [import]uid: 49236 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97568[/import]


Pushed a small update to v1.3.1
-Fixed a regression bug, Variables view kept collapsing
-Improved speed of navigator menu and parsing api
-Reduced false positive errors with the syntax highlighter
-fixed an issue with warnings not showing up when display.newImage could not find a specified image.
-Step-in command now automatically saves a variable snapshot so you can step backwards even with omniscient debugging off.
-Fixed an issue that removed undo history from main.lua

Has the problem completely been resolved? Any clue as to what caused it?

@Mo and FlyingAudio
Great to know every one is having fun with Cider and so are we :slight_smile:

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97589[/import]


Do you have an ETA on the call stack tab?

BoarK. [import]uid: 23864 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97599[/import]


Thanks for reminding us!
Working on it now. Hopefully it will be done by today. Sorry we had to fix some critical bugs first.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97604[/import]


Thanks for the quick response. Cider is a much needed tool for Corona developers. It has already saved me a lot of time since starting the trial. Bought my license this morning. :slight_smile:

BoarK. [import]uid: 23864 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97606[/import]


Thank you for your support! We are glad that it is working well for you. Please let us know if you have any questions.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97627[/import]

@ M.Y.

Sometimes, in Cider’s version of the Corona Output window, the output to that window is repeated.

So, for example, even on the blank lua-file template you supplied with Cider, there’s a line of code:

print(“this is the first line”)

If run, it will display:

this is the first line
this is the first line

If I add a second print statement:

print(“this is the first line”)
print(“this is the second line”)

The output is:

this is the first line
this is the second line
this is the first line
this is the second line

Any ideas? [import]uid: 74068 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97682[/import]

I have the same “feature” with CPM.
[import]uid: 101952 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97896[/import]

It started working again without actually doing anyting other than restarting Cider I guess.

I’m trying to figure out how to use find/replace, can’t seem to find “replace” anywhere. [import]uid: 129450 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97899[/import]

Is it correct that only certain Corona keywords are appearing in a different colour?

For me at least, keywords like ‘display.newText’ appear in regular black while more obscure members of the API like [lua]‘string.sub’[/lua] are standing out due to the coloured font.

Is there a way to edit affected keywords ourselves within the editor?

[import]uid: 74068 topic_id: 23072 reply_id: 97914[/import]