Hi Brent
I think you misunderstand, I have created a new game and highscore table on api.coronalabs.com through my browser on my PC and that all seems fine.
The problem is using the Corona Dashboard on an actual device in order to view high scores, etc as below
I get as far as the screen which says I need to login or register, but can get no further.
I have tried to register about a dozen times with various usernames, emails and passwords but everytime I get the same message, ‘Username or password is incorrect’
I have also tried to log in using my Corona user details but get the same message
I have tried this with my own application but I have also tried simply adding my game access key and secret key to the
new gameNetwork_corona_prototype demo application as below
local buildPlatform = system.getInfo( “platformName” )
if buildPlatform ~= “Win” and buildPlatform ~=“Android” then
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )
– scene logic here
– gamenetwork init and params
local gameNetwork = require( “gameNetwork_corona_prototype” )
local params = {}
params.accessKey = “13a8d339cd81c2893d60ccb8ad75e0fd0c2e33bb”
params.secretKey = “e2344b2e5cac63a9586747773820178890a7bbc9”
params.supportedOrientations = { “portrait”, “portraitUpsideDown”, “landscapeLeft”, “landscapeRight” }
params.facebookApplicationId = “”
gameNetwork.init( “corona”, params )
gameNetwork.set( “debugEnabled”, false )
– show the dashboard
But again, I get this same message