Here are the guides you need to read prior to working with Corona Cloud.
More guides will be following shortly.
Here are the guides you need to read prior to working with Corona Cloud.
More guides will be following shortly.
Thanks Rob
There’s no sample app at this point, right? I see plenty of snippets here, which is the pinned link, but I just want to make sure I’m not missing a sample app that’s lurking somewhere:
There were some technical problems with the sample app and we pulled it temporarily. It should be showing back up soon.
any update on a sample app?
I’ve followed this guide and I’ve tried to post scores in leaderboards, unlock achievements, and show the Corona Cloud Dashboard, but nothing happens.
I post a bit of the code used, it’s pretty simple:
CC_Access_Key = “my_acceskey”
CC_Secret_Key = "my_secretkey
coronaCloud = require ( “corona-cloud-core” )
gameNetwork = require( “gameNetwork” )
local params = { accessKey = CC_Access_Key, secretKey = CC_Secret_Key, }
local function onSystemEvent( event )
if event.type == “applicationStart” then
coronaCloud.init( CC_Access_Key, CC_Secret_Key )
gameNetwork.init( “corona”, params )
Runtime:addEventListener( “system”, onSystemEvent )
– This should show the Corona Cloud Dashboard I guess, but nothing happens. “achievements” )
I’ve notice this text in the guide posted here inside GETING STARTED section, point 4
Leave Live unchecked for the moment. You will revisit and check this when the game goes live.
I’ve not seen any checkbox or something to mark the ‘Live’ thing, maybe this is the problem.
I’ve compiled for iOS and for Android, but nothing happens in either one.
Thank you.
It looks like that check box may have gotten dropped in a recent release. You can ignore it.
Is there a reason you are doing all of this in the start event? Why not just put it in your main.lua’s main chunk? Are you sure that your system start event is getting called?
Hmmm, I try to get the link but it always timeout when I try to open it… Is the system ready? It is not the ony link who not works fr the moment to
Hmmm. I just clicked on the link and it loaded fine for me.
Sorry, i tey it from switzerland and still get the timeout, was there any dns problems in the past?
now it’s all fine again…
OK, I am making progress.
The problem was, I had to place the ‘cloud_assets’ folder inside my project files folder, so the Corona Cloud Dashboard can show up.
If other people wonder where to get this folder I got it at (Corona Build 1073, OS X) Applications -> CoronaSDK -> SampleCode -> CoronaCloud -> MultiplayerGems
Now the problem is hi-scores are not registering in the Dashboard. (Scores are not showing in my Corona Cloud Account either when I go to Leaderboards -> Scores in this Leaderboard)
I’m using the following lines provided in the guide to send scores or unlock achievements, so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong again.
– Submit Score
coronaCloud.submitHighScore( “leaderboard_ID”, score)
– Unlock Achievement
coronaCloud.unlockAchievement( “achievement_ID” )
Thank you.
Ok now I have all of this chunk of code at the beginning of the main.lua file.
CC_Access_Key = “my_acceskey”
CC_Secret_Key = “my_secretkey”
coronaCloud = require ( “corona-cloud-core” )
coronaCloud.init( CC_Access_Key, CC_Secret_Key )
gameNetwork = require( “gameNetwork” )
local params = { accessKey = CC_Access_Key, secretKey = CC_Secret_Key, }
gameNetwork.init( “corona”, params )
When I run the application I log-in into the Cloud Dashboard.
Apparently log-in is successful, since I see the user nickname on the top of the window of the Cloud Dashboard, and I can navigate through all my leaderboards and watch all my achievements.
Later in the game when I need to submit scores to a leaderboard, I use the following API call:
coronaCloud.submitHighScore( “leaderboard_ID”, hi_score)
But unfortunately, the scores are not registered neither in the In-game Cloud Dashboard or in the Corona Cloud Dashboard in ‘Leaderboard details -> Score in this leaderboard’
I need a little help here, because I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or missing,
Thank you.
Yeah, I’m also struggling with the same problem as ignacioric.
Besides, I noticed that if you include cloud_assets folder in your project and initiate gameNetwork with corona as an argument, you’ll get an error every time you try to use setEmbossColor on one of your EmbossedText objects. Really bizarre bug, but accurate
@ignacioric Just to ask the really silly question… Are you passing in the string “leaderboard_ID” or are you passing a string more like “3834783823ab938”? to the submitHighScore() call.
@guilovsh can you make a small app that demos your error and file a bug report?
@Rob Miracle
Done it.
And I must say that in my code I’m passing something like “3834783823ab938” and it won’t work…
Rob, unfortunately I’m passing the “323234234u23u4324” kind of string, it would have been funny to make a mistake like that!
P.S.: Not that is relevant to the question, but the only thing that stops me to release my app on Android is to make leaderboards and achievements work. :(
Any luck with the scores registering on either dashboard?
Hi ignacioric,
I am also interested to know if you’ve resolved your issue.
Please let me know.
I am having issues submitting high scores as well, and it is pretty frustrating.
In my main.lua file, I have (obviously with the correct keys…)
CC\_Access\_Key = "[my access key]" CC\_Secret\_Key = "[my secret key]" coronaCloud = require ( "corona-cloud-core" ) coronaCloud.init( CC\_Access\_Key, CC\_Secret\_Key )
In a different lua file, I call the login code, which woks fine, and my code for the LoggedIn listener executes.
In another lua file, I call the code to submit a high score:
local leaderboardID = "[my leaderboard id]" score = [some number] -- This is executed when a submit button is pressed, and I know that it gets to this line. -- If I put an alert right before it, the alert is executed on the button press coronaCloud.submitHighScore( leaderboardID, score ) function ccLeaderboards( event ) if ( event.type == "ScoresSubmitted" ) then native.showAlert( "Success", "Your score was successfully submitted online.", { "OK" }) end end Runtime:addEventListener( "Leaderboards", ccLeaderboards )
But my score is never submitted and the listener is never called. I am sure that the leaderboard id and score are correct (as in, the correct id for leaderboardID and some number for score), but it is never submitted. I don’t understand.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Try moving the
coronaCloud.submitHighScore( leaderboardID, score )
to after the Runtime:addEventListener()