We use Corona enterprise for 3 Years to make over ten success Apps/Games.
Our App can control Machine ( Treadmill,Bike,Color control) with BLE or RS232.
What Can we make?
SNS-Social network system ( like facebook )
Machine control ( app and device design )
2D Games ( box2d,RPG,LBS game…etc) like pinballs , 2 Top1 Rank on appStore
Digital TV ads system ( We have a big LED TV factory and a Android chip factory in Taiwan and China )
WebSite system
about our Server technology:
Cloud system ( AWS EC2,auto-scale,load-balance,S3,CloudFront,SES… )
Java NIO socket server (real time , high speed, high performance using Netty)
Grails Web Server ( Spring + hibernate + Java + Groovy )
15 years software dev exp.