Hi guys,
I’ve been slowly adding a few new features to my own fork of Corona Editor.
I’ve focussed on adding the following to the already excellent autocomplete:
- Require autocomplete - Corona Editor can now suggest modules when autocompleting require statements. For instance if I start typing [background=‘grey’]require "s [/background]Corona Editor suggests “util.serpent” (along with others)
- String filename autocomplete - inside quotation marks Corona Editor can also suggest file paths for assets. For instance if I type [background=‘grey’]display.newImage(".pn[/background], Corona Editor suggests “img/skull.png”.
Firstly, I have only been developing these features to work for myself. The require autocomplete is well tested and robust. String filename autocompelte is a new addition and currently doesn’t handle ‘/’ as well as I would like, but so far has lived up to expectations.
If you would like to try these features for yourself, grab the source from https://github.com/personalnadir/CoronaSDK-SublimeText
Though it very much comes with a ‘mileage may vary’ health warning!