Hai All,
I stopped working with the Corona Editor since it is not mature enough!
It hangs at least several times an hour (always after debugging) after which I have to kill Sublime and the Corona simulator and restart everything again. Very anoying. I am now using Textpad with corona simulator and only use the Corona editor when i need to debug something odd.
Here my findings…
1 Sublime Editor hangs often, especially when Sublime asks to restart the debugger after a saved change
2 Sublime pane-switch is broken after restart after the debugger / simulator hangs the editor
3 Sublime often opens 2 or 3 times having source code spread over multiple Sublime editors
4 Variable watch while debugging is close to useless since tables-contents are not visible and no sticky watches can be set
5 Sometimes the debugger does not see breakpoints and will not break
Is this only me or is the Corona editor still under-developed?
I really like Corona, but the lack of a good debugger / IDE pushes me towards Xamarin.
Is there any roadmap to extend the editor and make it more mature?
Regards, Marc