Corona Editor - Selecting Period


This is really just the start of an investigation. I’m running ST3 and I’ve had a frustrating issue - somehow Sublime got itself confused about word separators. In practice what that would look like is that when double clicking the word ‘display’ in ‘display.contentCenterX’ the whole ‘[background=‘lightblue’]display.contentCenterX[/background]’ would get selected. Which is a little frustrating as usually I only want the object or function name, rarely both. 

What was worse was that this would happen regardless of what I set the word_separators to in the settings files or the value of the corona_sdk_complete_periods option and it was inconsistent across all files. So some files would just select ‘[background=‘lightblue’]display[/background].contentCenterX’ (correctly) and others would behave as described above. 

I’ve since uninstalled Corona Editor, and the problem seems to have gone away. I know CoronaEditor does do things with the word separators and I know that the AngularJS plugin has had issues with this in the past, so I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue? Otherwise it must be a different cause.

I think this is the AngularJS fix to the problem they had:

Not sure if it’s relevant

The reason it can seem hard to reset certain things in Sublime Text is that it remembers the settings on a per buffer basis (per-tab, per-file, however you think of it).  So, if you change the main setting in User Preferences you then have to close all tabs that might be remembering the old setting.  Closing and reopening Sublime Text isn’t enough as it reopens the previously open tabs and recalls their individual settings.

Having said all that, the way that we work around Sublime Text’s limitations with regard to completing items with periods in them is a hack which I will have to revisit and see if I can tighten it up.

Quite relevant, and very interesting.  Thanks!

Thanks for the info! I’ll have a play around with that next time I have the issue, I had assumed that quitting and reloading Sublime would solve the issue

I think this is the AngularJS fix to the problem they had:

Not sure if it’s relevant

The reason it can seem hard to reset certain things in Sublime Text is that it remembers the settings on a per buffer basis (per-tab, per-file, however you think of it).  So, if you change the main setting in User Preferences you then have to close all tabs that might be remembering the old setting.  Closing and reopening Sublime Text isn’t enough as it reopens the previously open tabs and recalls their individual settings.

Having said all that, the way that we work around Sublime Text’s limitations with regard to completing items with periods in them is a hack which I will have to revisit and see if I can tighten it up.

Quite relevant, and very interesting.  Thanks!

Thanks for the info! I’ll have a play around with that next time I have the issue, I had assumed that quitting and reloading Sublime would solve the issue