Dear Corona support comrades,
While trying to build a Corona Enterprise iOS project we encountered several major problems:
- Our project sources are placed not in …/Corona, so we tried the following steps:
- a. Wrote the relative location of sources to CORONA_ASSETS_DIR
- b. Tried building the project
- c. Build failed with the following results: build does not use build.settings, so fonts/application name/app ID/version does not correlate to the settings
- d. And it seems like the problem is raised by CoronaEnterprise/Corona/mac/bin/
So using default asset paths is actually a big pain in the ass for a project bigger than an example.
- If you take any example from CoronaEnterprise/ProjectTemplates and archive it (Product->Archive), then after building an .ipa you can find a batch of .lu files inside. And is 24 bytes long and actually empty. But building of the debug version is ok and all the .lu files are archived into
So archiving mechanism is not working properly and causes a big security breach at the moment. Reverse engineering becomes much easier with such a breach.
We reproduced the bugs above with Corona Enterprise version 2013.1089 and earlier.
Xcode version is 4.6.2 (4H1003).