Corona Enterprise IOS


I am using Corona Enterprise to build iOS app, how can i build application offline? i dont find any official documentation for it. Kindly need guide.


Corona Enterprise uses Xcode to do everything.  Plugins are just libraries added to the code, so there is no need to talk to servers when building with Xcode.  Simply do Product->Build or CMD-B in Xcode.  You won’t need a connection to Corona Lab’s build servers.


Hi Rob,

Thanks alot for kind guide :slight_smile:

Corona Enterprise uses Xcode to do everything.  Plugins are just libraries added to the code, so there is no need to talk to servers when building with Xcode.  Simply do Product->Build or CMD-B in Xcode.  You won’t need a connection to Corona Lab’s build servers.


Hi Rob,

Thanks alot for kind guide :slight_smile: