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During last week’s Hangout we continued the discussion around using Composer library to manage scenes in apps. We looked at how memory usage varies between managed and unmanaged scenes. We also examined the differences between Corona SDK memory management of objects and Lua memory management.
Replay Hangout #125:
This week we’ll continue the discussion with a look at more scene optimization tips, including how to share data between scenes. We’ll also look at custom Composer scene transitions. Scene management is an important part of app development. Join the Hangout on Monday and be part of the conversation.
Congratulations ** #ShipJam ** Winners
Great news, the judge’s votes are in from the end of year competition to ship an app before the end of 2014. It was a tight competition and all the judges were impressed by the quality of work and how much participants got done in such a short time.
The top three awards went to
First Place: Fantasy Night Football by Noah Malewicz, Chunky Apps,
Second Place: Pet Puzzles by Scott Adelman,
Third Place: MisionTierra by Raptor UVG,
Judge’s Choice went to: Long Vowels Word Study by Thomas Wilson, Out Of Touch Productions,
Great job to everyone and thank you to Laura Tallardy and Eric Kinkead for inspiring the Corona community to push out one more app before the end of the year. You guys rock!
January’s Geek Games – Last Week To Play!
In January we’re playing Chip Chain on iOS or Android ( ) for the chance to win a $50 gift card.
The rules are simple. Match chips in under 2 minutes, then post a photo of your high score on the Corona Geek Facebook wall ( ) for a chance to win. The winner will be announced on February 2 when we announce the next game to play.
Download Chip Chain now and start playing ( ). Good luck!
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