Corona Indie Bundle

Thought I might support my fellow Corona devs, so I lashed out 69 pence on the Corona Indie Bundle - only to find it does not run on my iPad Retina.

Really bad advertisement for Corona, not to mention my 69 pence.

Do you intend to put this right or refund my major outlay? [import]uid: 101690 topic_id: 27251 reply_id: 327251[/import]

It’s a dollar, chill out. You can’t even barely buy a pack of gum for that amount of money. Hahaha [import]uid: 29181 topic_id: 27251 reply_id: 110799[/import]

nonetheless it should be fixed asap!

-finefin [import]uid: 70635 topic_id: 27251 reply_id: 110845[/import]

@Ninja Pig I had hoped that people would get the fact that I was being facetious about the “huge” amount of money I’d wasted, but there’s a serious point here.

One, if this is someone’s first encounter with Corona, they’re going to get a very bad impression. Secondly, I’m surprised you think it’s ok to put out crap just because it sells for only 99 cents. We’re either pro’s or we’re not. [import]uid: 101690 topic_id: 27251 reply_id: 110847[/import]


Sorry about that. I get that you were joking about the $1, but you make a good point. We have not had time to update Corona Indie Bundle and forgot to re-build it. I will see if we can do so in the next few days - it’s true that it doesnt look good. Thanks for bringing it up!

David [import]uid: 105287 topic_id: 27251 reply_id: 110885[/import]

By the way, that was me that just posted that. I didn’t realize I was still logged in with one of Walter’s testing accounts because of some stuff we were doing yesterday…

David [import]uid: 10668 topic_id: 27251 reply_id: 110886[/import]

@sean I know you don’t really care about what you paid for it hahaha, I was just joking around too! :slight_smile: Honestly I just never expected them to update it since at the time of release, the iPad retina never existed. It is good though that you bring up that it doesn’t work, and it should be updated.

Jordan Schuetz
Ninja Pig Studios [import]uid: 29181 topic_id: 27251 reply_id: 110895[/import]

My work here is done. If only I still had the price of a cup of coffee… [import]uid: 101690 topic_id: 27251 reply_id: 110910[/import]