Corona Live Builds Rocks

I’ve said it many times before the Corona Live Builds really is fantastic.  Most of my projects require multi-touch and to actually be able to test that on multiple devices within a few seconds is a boon not only to my programming but also to my temperamental creative process.  

I deal a lot with visual logic and aesthetics so having to stop every few minutes to wait for new build on device is akin to waiting for that Photoshop filter to render back in the 90’s - anyone remember that?  Well, it was a wretched slayer of all artistic flow.

Yesterday, I had Jury Duty and the updated courthouse has wifi so I spent the day working on a multitouch project and, thanks to Corona Live Builds, testing it on various devices.  It was one of my most productive days this month!

Nice job Corona team!

Yes, it’s quite fast.

I have a huawei y6 and the display work sometimes differently then the samsung galaxy s3 on the corona simulator.

I can play easily with the back button directly on my smartphone and the photo/camera. Very easy.

Thanks Corona sdk. And everything is free. I hope this will be the same in the future despite of the appodeal re-buy lol.

Thanks guys! This are very kind words!

OMG why did I not try this earlier!  The only “issue” is remembering to give my test department (i.e. the girlfriend) a non-live build when she is testing and I am coding.

You can turn off the server while she is testing and then it won’t update.

I know but then I’ll need to do manual installs… Some form of enrolment options in the server would be great to toggle delivery on and off per device.  If she is testing a bug fix for me then obviously I want to push a build.  

Basically it would be great to toggle devices on/off if Corona Live server (or maybe iTunes?) could do it.

Since I seem to consistently have issues with resolution, it’s a godsend for checking out small moves of elements!

I also did some camera testing which was also a joy :stuck_out_tongue:

Finally, running on Apple TV was way easier as it’s a PITA to hook that up to my Mac(s). 

A great feature by the engineers. They should take the weekend off!

You can remove project from Live Server with simple “-” button click or with ⌘Delete. (Usually it’s ⌘A, ⌘Delete). Then re-add with one of the options:

a. drag&drop on dock icon

b. drag&drop on list

c. selecting with “+” icon

d. “+” button shortcut ⌘O

After re-adding synchronization would resume shortly (usually under 10 seconds for the first time). No need to restart anything.

Also, if you shutdown server completely, you can easily start it again with menu Corona Simulator -> Corona Live Server

EDIT. last option is very easy, because after first time, you can just hit ⌘O, Return, because last project would be remembered.

Also, you can edit code on windows, while testing on iOS with Live Builds :wink:

Yes, it’s quite fast.

I have a huawei y6 and the display work sometimes differently then the samsung galaxy s3 on the corona simulator.

I can play easily with the back button directly on my smartphone and the photo/camera. Very easy.

Thanks Corona sdk. And everything is free. I hope this will be the same in the future despite of the appodeal re-buy lol.

Thanks guys! This are very kind words!

OMG why did I not try this earlier!  The only “issue” is remembering to give my test department (i.e. the girlfriend) a non-live build when she is testing and I am coding.

You can turn off the server while she is testing and then it won’t update.

I know but then I’ll need to do manual installs… Some form of enrolment options in the server would be great to toggle delivery on and off per device.  If she is testing a bug fix for me then obviously I want to push a build.  

Basically it would be great to toggle devices on/off if Corona Live server (or maybe iTunes?) could do it.

Since I seem to consistently have issues with resolution, it’s a godsend for checking out small moves of elements!

I also did some camera testing which was also a joy :stuck_out_tongue:

Finally, running on Apple TV was way easier as it’s a PITA to hook that up to my Mac(s). 

A great feature by the engineers. They should take the weekend off!

You can remove project from Live Server with simple “-” button click or with ⌘Delete. (Usually it’s ⌘A, ⌘Delete). Then re-add with one of the options:

a. drag&drop on dock icon

b. drag&drop on list

c. selecting with “+” icon

d. “+” button shortcut ⌘O

After re-adding synchronization would resume shortly (usually under 10 seconds for the first time). No need to restart anything.

Also, if you shutdown server completely, you can easily start it again with menu Corona Simulator -> Corona Live Server

EDIT. last option is very easy, because after first time, you can just hit ⌘O, Return, because last project would be remembered.

Also, you can edit code on windows, while testing on iOS with Live Builds :wink: