Hi folks. I just released version 1.0 of my ‘Particle Editor’.
This tool is my response to the recent Corona update, wherein you create Corona SDK emitters by importing the output of Particle Designer 2. Actually, it is my response to a gap.
Some have complained because they are Windows users and ‘PD 2’ is only for OS X.
I am a Windows user (for the most part) and wanted a tool I could use on my primary machine.
So, I created this tool.
It can be run on the Windows and OS X simulators as well as on your devices.
It comes in a portrait and landscape (best run as OUYA 720 or GameStick 720) flavor.
The portrait version c an be build and uploaded to your personal devices (iPads and Android tablets are best). You can e-mail emitters and particles to yourself and others as attachments.
You can now create particle emitters while on any machine or even on the road.
It comes in a two editions:
- Personal - GumRoad: https://gumroad.com/l/itXn ; PayPal: https://sellfy.com/p/bWcY/
- Team (4-seats) - GumRoad: https://gumroad.com/l/PAXf ; PayPal: https://sellfy.com/p/de2T/
NOTE! - PayPal versions are coming soon (about an hour).
Includes free copy pexTools for a limited time!
Note: I’m still on the fence if it is better to call this a ‘Particle Editor’ or an ‘Emitter Editor’. Like other tools, most of the editing is on the emitter properties, but hey I guess it’s “Six of one, Half-dozen of another.”
PS - The video shows this, but till my tutorial videos come out, be aware that the simulator ‘sends’ emitter definitions and particles to the temporary directory under the ‘sandbox’.