Hello. I am new in corona sdk, trying to learn it. I am trying to make a new game where i have a rocket object(physics) staying on screen which’s x position is fixed , move on y axis by tapping it. There are are some rock obstacle coming from the right side of screen. All object are in custom physics shape. When my rocket and stone come face to face they should collide each other but they don’t as i can see that in physics hybrid mode and by collision event handler result. But after leaving the rock object , the rocket collide in open space about 50-60 pixel far from the rock’s axis position. Where is the problem? I am giving some code here. Can any one familar with these type of problem?
-----Code for rocket
local rocket = display.newImage(“images/Rocket/new-rocket.png”, 60, 30);
rocket.xScale = 15;
rocket.yScale = 15;
rocket.x = 70;
rocket.y = 130;
rocket.xScale = n/5;
rocket.yScale = n/5;
local pBody = {};
pBody.rocket = {
friction = 0.2,
shape = { -16 , -17 ,-3 , -19, 4 , -14, 25, -13, 43, -1, 31 , 11, 8, 14, -11 , 20 }
—Code for randomly generated rock on a function
local randStone= display.newImage(“images/Stone/stone2.png”, _W, _H);
randStone:setReferencePoint( display.CenterLeftReferencePoint );
randStone.id=“Random stone 2”;
pBody.randStone = {
friction = 0.2,
shape = {-17,-29,23,-21, 21, 24, -22, 25}