Hi @roaminggamer thanks for the reply.
Here’s my problem, I have a Scrollview that shows many items to chose from, created onCreate. I run through the table onShow and insert the proper downloaded images into it. I remove the scene completely onHide.
This is a simplified code of what I am doing. And if a user exists this scene and enters it quick enough. The images from the first entrance, after checking it’s the correct scene, will display the images downloaded from the first entrance.
-- Create the widget local scrollView = require('widget').newScrollView( { top = 100, left = 10, width = 300, height = 400, scrollWidth = 600, scrollHeight = 800, } ) local function Create\_One( \_url, \_Card\_Y ) local CARD = display.newGroup() local function Remote\_Image\_Listener( event ) local rightScene = false if(composer.getSceneName("current") == "scenes.Event\_Details")then rightScene = true end if(event.status == 200) and rightScene then event.target.anchorY = 0 event.target.anchorX = 1 event.target.width = 300 event.target.height = 200 CARD:insert( event.target ) else if(event.target)then event.target:removeSelf() end print("Remote Image Download Canceled") end end local F1\_Image = display.loadRemoteImage( \_url, "GET", Remote\_Image\_Listener, fileName, system.DocumentsDirectory, ScrollView.width/2 , Card\_Y ) return CARD end local Card\_Y = 150 for i=1,300 do Card\_Y = Card\_Y + 250 local Card = Create\_One\_Card( IMAGE\_URL, Card\_Y) ScrollView:insert( Card ) end
I would really like it if I could send more params so I could check the image relevance alongside the correct scene.
Thank you,
Mor from Mars Team