Corona SDK for Linux?

We use to track feature requests.  It’s nearly impossible to use +1’s here for anything meaningful.


If Corona has limited resources, probably it’s better to allocate resources on other things than this one. 

Clearly I made the right choice in finding a better solution by supporting LeadWerksKickstarter campaign to bring their game creation suite to Linux. I strongly suggest all of you here who want Linux support to take your business elsewhere since Corona obviously doesn’t care about us on Linux.

They are just my words, not Corona’s.

I am just a subscriber to state my opinion, nothing to do with Corona business development. You shouldn’t conclude this from my opinion.

Why don’t you link directly to the Linux support request item?

Linux support is currently #8 on that list by number of votes.

It was pretty obvious by your username, profile, and referring to Corona in the 3rd person perspective.









Posting here to support Corona on linux. Seems odd that a tool intended for developers isn’t supported on a platform so commonly used by developers.

Posting here to support Corona on linux. Seems odd that a tool intended for developers isn’t supported on a platform so commonly used by developers.


There is Linux is in beta already. Linux builds would appear at the same place as others very soon.