Corona SDK, How to save String in leaderboards?

Im having a problem with my leaderboards, the problem is my array score are all sorted in ascending order and works fine but i can’t save the text beside the score? The situation is game.lua --> gameOver(Score & Difficulty Text) --> leaderboards(Score). calling the variable from a table doesn’t work.


for i = 1, 10 do if (scoresTable[i]) then local yPos = 150 + (i \* 130) local thisScore = display.newText(sceneGroup, scoresTable[i].. options.title,display.contentCenterX-30, yPos, font, 100) thisScore.anchorX = 0 end end


options{ title = "Easy", } 


options{ title = options.title, }

This is what i wanted to happen:

Try looking at this:

Try looking at this: