I’ve been teaching a mobile app development class for juniors and seniors at my high school for 2 years now. Our class uses Corona SDK for our primary dev environment, but I am approaching this class from a holistic point of view. I not only am going into the nuts and bolts of programming in Lua using Corona SDK, but also showing them how to create their own digital assets (graphics and sounds) so they’re not constantly nicking them off the web. I feel it’s important that they understand the value of intellectual property and how they may be called out if they appropriate images or sounds that aren’t licensed to them.
Growing tired of doing one-on-one make up lectures with students that missed class, I started doing screencast tutorials and having the students watch them (either for makeup or for reinforcement). This started off as a way to give them reference material for a session on producing graphics for a clock project in Adobe Illustrator that I had a guest lecturer come and do.
Check out some of the tutorials on my Youtube channel MADMan’s Moblie App Dev How-tos. if you can. They cover:
- basic physics
- creating a touch joint
- basic collision detection
- loading and playing sounds
- managing scenes using the Composer API
- creating sprite sheets in SpriteHelper 2 Pro
- implementing spritesheets in Corona SDK
- removing backgrounds for downloaded sprites
- building clock graphics in Adobe Illustrator (used for a clock project in Corona SDK)