Corona sdk versione for "Windows XP SP3"

Hello everyone and thanks in advance for the support

I downloaded the version “Corona-2017.3184.msi”, but it works only from the operating system “Windows 7” and later.

There is a version of “Corona SDK” that can be downloaded and installed on a PC with “Windows XP SP3”?

Which editor do you recommend me to use?

  • Scintilla
  • Notepad ++
  • PSPad

Thanks again

Hi Max, I’m not sure how far back you would have to go to get Windows XP support, but the problem is that you likely won’t be able to build for any platform with it. I’m not sure if any version that supports XP would do desktop builds and Google has changed their requirements that you probably could not submit builds to Google.

You’re going to have to go back probably at least two or three years to find XP support.


hi rob thanks for the reply
I guessed that it was not possible to install and use “Corona SDK” on “Windows XP Sp3”, an obsolete operating system and no longer supported.

It means that I will install “Corona SDK” on my notebook with “Windows 10”.

Which editor do you recommend me to use?

  • Scintilla
  • Notepad ++
  • PSPad

Thanks again

Use whatever editor you can afford and that you are familiar with.

That said, using a programming editor would be best, so I’d suggest:

  • Sublime 3 (my personal go to)
  • Atom (a lot of folks like this)
  • Visual Studio
  • Notepad++ (maybe; I’d be curious to hear more from other users on this; A short perusal on my part showed this has a some sweet plugin features for editing and tweaking code.)

If you’re looking for an IDE then the answer may be a little different.  I do not use IDEs, so I’ll let someone else provide an answer with that consideration.

I’m not a big Windows user, but I agree with @roaminggamer. I use Sublime Text 3 personally. I fall back to Atom as a second choice. I know a lot of people use Notepad++. I don’t know much about the other two.  There are quite a few people who also speak highly about Visual Studio, but that’s a really big package to install if you’re not doing native Window’s development.


Sublime 3 (with the optional lua plugin for autocomplete, etc).  I believe there is a corona post somewhere on installing this so Google it.

@Rob maybe the onboarding needs some love here?

Thank you all for the suggestions.


Hi Max, I’m not sure how far back you would have to go to get Windows XP support, but the problem is that you likely won’t be able to build for any platform with it. I’m not sure if any version that supports XP would do desktop builds and Google has changed their requirements that you probably could not submit builds to Google.

You’re going to have to go back probably at least two or three years to find XP support.


hi rob thanks for the reply
I guessed that it was not possible to install and use “Corona SDK” on “Windows XP Sp3”, an obsolete operating system and no longer supported.

It means that I will install “Corona SDK” on my notebook with “Windows 10”.

Which editor do you recommend me to use?

  • Scintilla
  • Notepad ++
  • PSPad

Thanks again

Use whatever editor you can afford and that you are familiar with.

That said, using a programming editor would be best, so I’d suggest:

  • Sublime 3 (my personal go to)
  • Atom (a lot of folks like this)
  • Visual Studio
  • Notepad++ (maybe; I’d be curious to hear more from other users on this; A short perusal on my part showed this has a some sweet plugin features for editing and tweaking code.)

If you’re looking for an IDE then the answer may be a little different.  I do not use IDEs, so I’ll let someone else provide an answer with that consideration.

I’m not a big Windows user, but I agree with @roaminggamer. I use Sublime Text 3 personally. I fall back to Atom as a second choice. I know a lot of people use Notepad++. I don’t know much about the other two.  There are quite a few people who also speak highly about Visual Studio, but that’s a really big package to install if you’re not doing native Window’s development.


Sublime 3 (with the optional lua plugin for autocomplete, etc).  I believe there is a corona post somewhere on installing this so Google it.

@Rob maybe the onboarding needs some love here?

Thank you all for the suggestions.
