Argh, looks like more of mine depend on vertex shaders than I thought. (Also, I have some “outline” ones that are rather pointless with opaque textures.)
That said, all the fragment-only ones seem to work well:
Bump (stone)
Bump (texel size)
Circle (basic) (This is meant to be put on a circle display object; it doesn’t bother to discard outside pixels.)
Circle (bumped)
Simplex2 (basic) (Basically the same one from the other thread / Code Exchange; noise adapted from Ashima Arts)
Sphere (basic) (The circle one, but discarding)
Sphere (bumped)
Sphere (fractional Brownian motion) (Everything from here on is adapted from Ashima Arts and / or Stefan Gustavson)
Sphere (flow noise)
Sphere (spots)
Sphere (tiles)
Worley2 (1 - scaled x)
Worley2 (facets and dots)
A lot of the noise samples aren’t time-dependent, but have time-updated parameters in the associated demos (and look pretty cool).
N.B. If you fiddle with the CoronaVertexUserData parameters in certain effects, a few will interpolate REALLY weirdly since they consist two [0, 1]-range numbers encoded together (fun with cramming into four values!).