Corona supported devices as well as some sort of executable on the PC


I have a project that I’m working on and I want it to be across all Corona supported devices as well as some sort of executable on the PC. Does anyone have an idea how you would go about running a lua file through some sort of executable so that it is easy and straight forward for the user to run? Any help is hugely appreciated!


If you’re building your apps on Windows, Corona can build an x86 based executable for windows. It’s one of the options on the build menu.

Windows users can build for Android, Windows x86, HTML5

macOS users can build for Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, HTML5


Agree with Rob

If you’re building your apps on Windows, Corona can build an x86 based executable for windows. It’s one of the options on the build menu.

Windows users can build for Android, Windows x86, HTML5

macOS users can build for Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, HTML5


Agree with Rob