Corona Training Service - New Users Start Here!

Want someone to help you learn how to program using the Corona SDK? Need help with your project? You have come to the right place…

At InfusedDreams we use the Corona SDK to develop our Games & Apps. We have 7 years experience in the language used by the Corona SDK and have made Games & Apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Mac, PSP, Windows, Linux and more during a 7 year time period, using C, C++ and Lua respectively.

Our training is insightful, efficient and to your level. We will take the training at your own pace, and help you learn more advanced techniques to effectively make your App/Game. If it is just help you need with a specific problem or missing feature in your own Corona App/Game we can do that for you too.

Our rate is $25 per hour.

To acquire or training service, please send an email to : info [at]

Our prices are low and competitive but our work is first class.
Be sure to ask us first before considering any other development studio!

To view Some of the projects we have developed please visit our portfolio page : Click Here to go to our portfolio page [import]uid: 6981 topic_id: 10878 reply_id: 310878[/import]

Hey there, as this is more an advertisement and less a question/answer for newbies, I’m going to move it to off topic. (That’s where most new tutorials and any services are shared and we like to keep things consistent.)

Good luck with your training :slight_smile:

Peach [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 10878 reply_id: 39607[/import]

Ok :slight_smile:

[import]uid: 6981 topic_id: 10878 reply_id: 39962[/import]