On startup I am getting a different orientation value between Corona and native build: First, in Corona I lock the orientation to port and handle port, left and right (upside down just 180’s port) myself.
Before you start the app:
Hold the ipad upside down.
Now lay it faceup on a surface but still upside down relative to you looking at it. The ‘desktop’ is correctly oriented for the USD orientation.
Now start the app.
The application displays UPSIDEDOWN.
Here is why:
First we get an orientation of PORTRAIT followed immediately by faceup.
Native xcode (objective-c) build:
First we get an orientation of PORTRAIT-UPSIDEDOWN followed immediately by faceup.
So the native build knew the system was still in UPSIDEDOWN yet Corona does not report this.
The bottom line is Corona is not reporting startup orientation events like native xcode does.
I have tried a bunch of things to get around this but nothing yet.
Any of you Corona guru’s out there know any way around this?
BTW this is not a corner case. We are seeing this occur at a high enough rate under normal usage that it could leave bad impressions as a first impression - and first impressions are very important these days. Same thing happens with left and right except that starting shows the app sideways.
After a tilt and we get oriented correctly everything is great after that. It is just that first message is wrong.
Thanks All,
The Dogs