Hello community,
First of all, let’s start with the confession, I created this game in one day, I don’t know how many hours it took. I am saying this because I don’t want to cheat. =) I wish I have followed the 4 hours rule but I am not a professional game developer. However, I still want to participate in the contest because I tried to do it with the “energy” concept and thank you for the motivation.
I’ll talk about the game and “energy” concept. It’s a multitask game. I split the screen in half. While you are solving inequalities in first part, you try to keep your energy high by collecting the cups of coffees in the second part. You race against time while solving those inequalities and also you need to be careful with the coffee mugs because if you miss 4 of them during the game, then the game is over before time is up.
In first part, there are some numbers and operations. You need to select a number and an operation and then select one of the numbers in the circles so selected operation with selected number can be applied to the number in the circle. You need to keep up with these operation until numbers in circles gets equal. If you solve the inequality, extra time is given and next inequality comes to play. The game moves on until time or the energy is over.
The aim is to solve as many as inequality with fewer operations and keeping the energy high.
At first, I activated the multitouch to control the two parts of the game easily with two hands but then it occurred to me that accelerometer would be much better so I changed it with that. In the youtube video, I didn’t update the About part of the game about this change so be aware. =)
In simulator, the character is moved by dragging and in the device, you use accelerometer to move the character.
Here is the project:
Here is the video of me playing the game:
What can be done next?
The operations have some restrictions like numbers are limited to one digit, that sometimes increases the number of moves and the numbers in the circles are forced to be in the interval 0-100. So if the operation causes a result that is out of this interval, the circle becomes red for a short moment and the operation isn’t applied.
Next time, multiple digits can be allowed for operations and time interval can be bigger and we can put the numbers in the circles in a text area so it scrolls. A clear button can be added to quickly clean the circles.
Alright! That’s all from me for now. Thank you again for the motivation and have a nice day, fellas!