(CoronaBlitz-Collection) - Tank Blitz

Here is my Entry.

Graphics 40 min, remainder on the time spent coding.

2 hours in I realized I had to  change directions and cut out a lot of ideas from the project. Ran out of time. wanted to add missiles and explosions. :frowning:

Didn’t even test on a real device til the very end…So glad it worked.


Nice entry!  I like the way you have the animations working for the gun shots and when the circles are being hit.  What did you make the graphics in?

Hey TozSoftware, Thanks. I used an iPad app called iDraw…its good for clean vector art. 

Nice entry!  I like the way you have the animations working for the gun shots and when the circles are being hit.  What did you make the graphics in?

Hey TozSoftware, Thanks. I used an iPad app called iDraw…its good for clean vector art.