CoronaCard Phonegap plugin (iOS platform) accesses CoronaKit ?


I was trying to build a test app using phonegap/cordova. I installed the CoronaCards framework, but looks like the plugin is still trying to access the CoronaKit framework ? The build fails with the following error

/Users/avishkarsoftware/Documents/webworkspace/ionic/RssAdsTest/platforms/ios/RssAdsTest/Plugins/com.coronalabs.coronacards.cordova/ fatal error: ‘CoronaKit/CoronaKit.h’ file not found

#import “CoronaKit/CoronaKit.h”


Is the Phonegap plugin for iOS platform current ?


Thanks much

Hi Corona Team,

Any help would be appreciated. 


Rob / anybody else from the Corona Team,

I am sure I am missing something basic here. Could you please give me just some pointers ? I am happy to do the digging. 


Hi Corona Team,

Any help would be appreciated. 


Rob / anybody else from the Corona Team,

I am sure I am missing something basic here. Could you please give me just some pointers ? I am happy to do the digging. 
