
What is the CoronaTexelSize good for? What can I calculate with it?

Maybe the pixel size of the image texture?

In essence, they enable you to create effects that are based on actual screen (or content) pixel distances, e.g. a checkerboard pattern, that’s independent of the pixel resolution of the texture.

I’ve updated the docs with more explanation:

Thank you for the update in the docs.

It is not 100% clear to me but I will play around to get the last percent :slight_smile:

In essence, they enable you to create effects that are based on actual screen (or content) pixel distances, e.g. a checkerboard pattern, that’s independent of the pixel resolution of the texture.

I’ve updated the docs with more explanation:

Thank you for the update in the docs.

It is not 100% clear to me but I will play around to get the last percent :slight_smile: