CoronaUI confusion

It has been brought to my attention that we have released Corona UI as a 1.0 product and that we are charging for it and I have been overloaded with emails on the subject as I mentioned that the CoronaUI was going to be release soon.

I want to let you know that the official Ansca Corona SDK Corona UI has not been released by us, and that the Corona UI notices on the forum are not from Ansca Inc. It has been developed by one of our developer and unfortunately is causing some confusion.

The official CoronaUI will be part of the Corona SDK upgrade released first to subscribers then rolled in as part of the trial build, and as usual it will be MIT licensed, Open Sourced.

More details later, but I just wanted to clarify this.

[import]uid: 24 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 308720[/import]

Thanks for the clarification for me and I am sorry for the confusion.

For more information, please refer to:

Thanks very much.

– Advanced UI + Graph for Corona® | Website | Forum (https) | See: [import]uid: 11385 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 31869[/import]

Hi Carlos,
According to your notes above

The official CoronaUI will be part of the Corona SDK upgrade released first to subscribers then rolled in as part of the trial build, and as usual it will be MIT licensed, Open Sourced.

May I ask when CoronaUI will available as part of the trial build?

Thanks [import]uid: 48794 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 34746[/import]

Confusion is the right word!

As of right now, are there any standard UI elements anywhere or not? I have been going in mad circles trying to get to the bottom of this. This *almost* seems misleading.

Please clarify what the current UI options are and what they will be in the hopefully near future.

We are building our first Corona app and were saving the UI work till the end because we were confused about where to find info on the website. We have the main engine done with placeholder UI elements that look bad, thinking we just hadn’t located the right UI info on the site.

As of reading this, it looks like there aren’t any official UI elements and that we have to make do with something homegrown, or wait for an update.

Is that correct?

After reading this article, I winced, and thought for a second I might need to go to that *other* cross-platform app authoring tool… [import]uid: 22409 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 37569[/import]

How long has CoronaUI 1.0 been around with out an update? I have uploaded into the Sample Code area, an update to the UI with better capabilities to get to the picker. The code was actually in the original code, but not accessible through the newpicker function. See the included main.lua file to see how to access the features.

The same time, I have added a default when the user, selects close “cancel”. A simple nil to show the developer that the user doesn’t want the picker anymore.

Keith [import]uid: 20111 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 40696[/import]

Is there any overview or list, which UI Elements are in Corona UI? I can’t fin any hints which UI Elements are included. Without this, Corona is pretty much useless for me …


M [import]uid: 64502 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 40780[/import]

@keithmfoster7, where can I find the picker code you uploaded. I am looking for this and find it really confusing re: coronaui. Thanks. [import]uid: 8745 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 41083[/import]

No problem. Here is the link to the code exchange file:

Keith [import]uid: 20111 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 41088[/import]

@keithmfoster7 I checked it out and it is awesome! Thanks. [import]uid: 8745 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 41194[/import]

I have added a new release of some changes into the Code Exchange area. these changes include a bug fix that I found within the picker layout. It seems that when displaying an Ipad in the simulator or real, the overlay will be shifted right by 160 pixels.

The other, I have added two more features to the slider component. These are event listeners. One is a text response and the other is an integer value. The code in the code exchange includes a demo.

Have fun

[import]uid: 20111 topic_id: 8720 reply_id: 41245[/import]