CoronaView transparency

I noticed that the CoronaView has a black opaque background, and therefore any Android views behind it, or even the system wallpaper, won’t show through.  Any chance we can have the CoronaView be transparent? In my app I need the system wallpaper to show through.

I should add that I’ve already tried doing this to my main CoronaView:




But it didn’t work.

And, the activity that I use the CoronaView in has its theme set to “@android:style/Theme.Wallpaper.NoTitleBar” in my manifest, which I know is transparent because my other activities (ones that don’t show the CororaView) are letting the system wallpaper through.

Alex - sorry for the slow response.

I don’t believe we support a transparent CoronaView on Android yet unfortunately.

I should add that I’ve already tried doing this to my main CoronaView:




But it didn’t work.

And, the activity that I use the CoronaView in has its theme set to “@android:style/Theme.Wallpaper.NoTitleBar” in my manifest, which I know is transparent because my other activities (ones that don’t show the CororaView) are letting the system wallpaper through.

Alex - sorry for the slow response.

I don’t believe we support a transparent CoronaView on Android yet unfortunately.