If you’ve run a Coronium Core 2.4.0 update (not a fresh install) anytime before Jan 31, 11:00am CST , you will need to run the following patch to fix a Mongo issue that was found in the update.
This patch resolves an issue with Mongo connections both internally and externally. The current updater no longer has this issue.
Do not run this patch in any other circumstances than those outlined above.
Instructions for applying the patch follow:
Log in as the root user.
Run the following on the command line:
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/coronium-core-patch/2.4.0/do/mongo-patch1.sh && sudo bash mongo-patch1.sh
Log out using exit , you should now be able to connect to Mongo properly.
Amazon EC2
Log in as the ubuntu user.
Run the following on the command line:
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/coronium-core-patch/2.4.0/ec2/mongo-patch1.sh && sudo bash mongo-patch1.sh
Log out using exit , you should now be able to connect to Mongo properly.
If for whatever reason this does not resolve the issue on your server, please let me know. My apologies for the inconvenience.