Coronium Core installation reboots

$ wget && sudo bash


=> Installing Coronium Core 2.6.5


== Thank you for installing Coronium Core 2.6.5!


=> Coronium Host: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

=> Admin Username: coronium

=> Admin Password: cloudadmin

=> Client Server Key: …

=> Documentation:

=> Support Forum:

=> Rebooting server. Please wait up to 30 seconds to connect.

After that, the Coronium services are not available anyway

… This site can’t be reached

Nor does Database get configured.

Though I use Digital Ocean, I spun an instance up successfully just a couple weeks ago for a project. If your instance is on Amazon, perhaps you should try Digital Ocean.

Though I use Digital Ocean, I spun an instance up successfully just a couple weeks ago for a project. If your instance is on Amazon, perhaps you should try Digital Ocean.