I just installed Coronium and have been trying to set it up for the past day or two.
I stumbled upon an issue when trying to use a piece of the demo code to upload a file to the server.
Here’s the code I am trying to call ( I already init the Coronium connection beforehand )
local function uploadListener( evt ) if evt.error then print( evt.error ) else if evt.progress then print( evt.progress ) else print("file upload complete") print("filePath: ", evt.result.path) print("fileName: ", evt.result.file) end end end core.files.upload( "Test-scenes/tutorial\_scene.json", system.ResourceDirectory, "tutorial\_scene.json", uploadListener )
What I get in the Corona Simulator is this:
19:01:45.513 progress: 0.51
19:01:45.513 0.51
19:01:45.609 error: Missing file headers
19:01:45.609 status: 804
19:01:45.609 tt: 257.2
19:01:45.609 Missing file headers
Any idea what that might mean? I am getting similar results with .png files and with .lua files
Any help will be greatly appreciated!