coronium install in stock ubuntu 16.04 - strange behaviour nginx doesn't start and more


I’ve bought the plugin and I’m installing coronium core in a stock ubuntu 16.04 in my farm.

First of all I’ve found a problem in PUBLIC/PRIVATE IP detection …I’ve fixed it adding the right IP manually.

Secondly I’ve found that the install doesn’t work as expected: the installed doesn’t report any error but after the reboot nginx is not started in the right way and mongo / mysql are not checked by coronium status.

Installing it on AWS all works as expected.

I plan to better understand chef templates to find the problem but actually I’ve not found a solution.

I don’t want to put my data on AWS

thank you


The Coronium Core installation currently only supports the DigitalOcean and AWS environments (as noted in the documentation). Both services provide an api for IP detection which is needed in a number of places for the installation.

But, I am interested in supporting a stock Ubuntu. Can you please tell me if you were prompted for the database passwords when you ran the installer?



ubuntu is ubuntu everywhere …I’m using a stock 16.04 and my datacenter. I cannot put data on AWS or digitalocean.

You IP detection was already fixed putting the right IP in the variable but it doesn’t make sense to use an IP reachable only  by AWS and DigitalOcean.

The script asks for the mongo and mysql password.


I am able to get a running install on a clean Ubuntu 16.04 using the following process:

First make sure to be logged in as the  root user, and then:

cd /root wget 

Open the file and replace the  SERVER_IP_ADDRESS at the top of the file with your publicly accessible IP address. Save the file and run:

sudo bash

Let the installer run. When finished immediately run:

sudo coronium-dbsetup

Follow the instructions to set the database passwords. Check the status:

coronium status

Let me know what the result is.


after reboot nginx is not running

if I start it using 

/usr/local/coronium/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /usr/local/coronium/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

status chages to ok but mongodb and mysql status is not printed.

The daemons are active if I change the coronium script, the status is printed in the right way:

  #if ["$HASMONGO" != “”]; then

    checkproc $PS_MONGO_PROC



  #if ["$HASMYSQL" != “”]; then

    checkproc $PS_MYSQL


FYI 10001 is closed


The Coronium Core installation currently only supports the DigitalOcean and AWS environments (as noted in the documentation). Both services provide an api for IP detection which is needed in a number of places for the installation.

But, I am interested in supporting a stock Ubuntu. Can you please tell me if you were prompted for the database passwords when you ran the installer?



ubuntu is ubuntu everywhere …I’m using a stock 16.04 and my datacenter. I cannot put data on AWS or digitalocean.

You IP detection was already fixed putting the right IP in the variable but it doesn’t make sense to use an IP reachable only  by AWS and DigitalOcean.

The script asks for the mongo and mysql password.


I am able to get a running install on a clean Ubuntu 16.04 using the following process:

First make sure to be logged in as the  root user, and then:

cd /root wget 

Open the file and replace the  SERVER_IP_ADDRESS at the top of the file with your publicly accessible IP address. Save the file and run:

sudo bash

Let the installer run. When finished immediately run:

sudo coronium-dbsetup

Follow the instructions to set the database passwords. Check the status:

coronium status

Let me know what the result is.


after reboot nginx is not running

if I start it using 

/usr/local/coronium/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /usr/local/coronium/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

status chages to ok but mongodb and mysql status is not printed.

The daemons are active if I change the coronium script, the status is printed in the right way:

  #if ["$HASMONGO" != “”]; then

    checkproc $PS_MONGO_PROC



  #if ["$HASMYSQL" != “”]; then

    checkproc $PS_MYSQL


FYI 10001 is closed