Yeah I pretty much copied it from there. Here is the full iap.lua module:
module(..., package.seeall); local currentProductList = nil local appleProductList = { "", --buyItem1 "", --buyItem2 "", --buyItem3 "" --buyItem4 } local googleProductList = { "", --buyItem1 "", --buyItem2 "", --buyItem3 "" --buyItem4" } local callback = nil; --To get a price from any screen, just call iap.localizedPrices[XX] and replace the XX with the item number that you'd like localizedPrices = {}; --Fill out this section with all your product IDs from iTunes connect. local productID = {} function transactionCallback(e) local trans = e.transaction; if (trans.state == "purchased" or trans.state == "restored") then if (trans.productIdentifier == productID[1]) then --item1 \_G.bought = 1 print("success buying product 1! Give the user the item here, or in the callback (see comments above)"); settings.hintsRemaining = settings.hintsRemaining + 50 settings.adsEnabled = false settings:save() elseif (trans.productIdentifier == productID[2]) then --item2 \_G.bought = 2 print("success buying product 2! Give the user the item here or in the callback (see comments above)"); settings.unlimitedHintsPurchased = true settings.adsEnabled = false settings:save() elseif (trans.productIdentifier == productID[3]) then --item3 \_G.bought = 3 print("success buying product 3! Give the user the item here or in the callback (see comments above)"); settings.categories1Purchased = true settings.adsEnabled = false settings:save() elseif (trans.productIdentifier == productID[4]) then --item4 \_G.bought = 4 print("success buying product 4! Give the user the item here or in the callback (see comments above)"); settings.general2Purchased = true settings.adsEnabled = false settings:save() end elseif (trans.state == "cancelled") then print("player cancelled; you may want to show an alert here"); native.showAlert("Oops!", "Transaction cancelled by user", { "Dismiss" }); elseif (trans.state == "failed") then print("transaction failed"); native.showAlert("Oops!", "Please check your internet connection and try again.", { "Dismiss" }) elseif event.transaction.state == "refunded" then print("transaction refunded"); if (trans.productIdentifier == productID[1]) then --item1 settings.hintsRemaining = settings.hintsRemaining - 50 settings:save() elseif (trans.productIdentifier == productID[2]) then --item2 settings.unlimitedHintsPurchased = false settings:save() elseif (trans.productIdentifier == productID[3]) then --item3 settings.categories1Purchased = false settings:save() elseif (trans.productIdentifier == productID[4]) then --item4 settings.general2Purchased = false settings:save() end native.showAlert("Refund", tostring(trans.productIdentifier) .. " was refunded", {"Dismiss"}) end if (callback ~= nil) then callback(trans.state); end native.setActivityIndicator(false); store.finishTransaction(trans); end if system.getInfo("targetAppStore") == "amazon" or system.getInfo("environment") == "simulator" then store = require "" productID = googleProductList store.init( transactionCallback ) store.restore() elseif ( ) then productID = appleProductList store.init( "apple", transactionCallback ) elseif ( ) then productID = googleProductList store.init( "google", transactionCallback ) end local function productCallback(event) print("showing valid products", #event.products) for i = 1, #event.products do print(event.products[i].title) -- This is a string. print(event.products[i].description) -- This is a string. print(event.products[i].price) -- This is a number. print(event.products[i].localizedPrice) -- This is a string. print(event.products[i].productIdentifier) -- This is a string. end print("showing invalidProducts", #event.invalidProducts) for i = 1, #event.invalidProducts do print(event.invalidProducts[i]) end end store.loadProducts(productID, productCallback) --These are the functions that you call from another lua file. -- Example: you'd call something like: iap.buyItem3(callback) if system.getInfo("targetAppStore") == "amazon" or system.getInfo("environment") == "simulator" then function buyItem1(callbackFunction) if store.canMakePurchases then store.purchase( productID[1] ); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end function buyItem2(callbackFunction) if store.canMakePurchases then store.purchase( productID[2] ); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end function buyItem3(callbackFunction) if store.canMakePurchases then store.purchase( productID[3] ); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end function buyItem4(callbackFunction) if store.canMakePurchases then store.purchase( productID[4] ); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end function restore(callbackFunction) store.restore(); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end else function buyItem1(callbackFunction) if store.canMakePurchases then store.purchase({ productID[1] }); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end function buyItem2(callbackFunction) if store.canMakePurchases then store.purchase({ productID[2] }); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end function buyItem3(callbackFunction) if store.canMakePurchases then store.purchase({ productID[3] }); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end function buyItem4(callbackFunction) if store.canMakePurchases then store.purchase({ productID[4] }); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end function restore(callbackFunction) store.restore(); native.setActivityIndicator(true); callback = callbackFunction; end end
And here’s how it’s being called from other scenes:
callbackFunction = function(state) -- function to handle response from app store if (state == "restored") or (state == "purchased") then if \_G.bought == 3 then -- user bought Categories pack, update DB and show message local onComplete = function() storyboard.gotoScene("scene-PuzzleCategories") end native.showAlert("Thank you", "You have bought the Categories Pack!", { "OK" }, onComplete) end if \_G.bought == 4 then -- user bought General #2 pack, update DB and show message local onComplete = function() storyboard.gotoScene("scene-PuzzleLevels") end native.showAlert("Thank you", "You have bought the General Pack #2!", { "OK" }, onComplete) end settings:save() -- save the DB \_G.bought = 0 -- reset bought code flag elseif (state == "cancelled") then elseif (state == "failed") then end end if store.canMakePurchases then -- check whether store is available iap.buyItem3(callbackFunction) else native.showAlert("Store purchases are not available, please try again later", { "OK" }) -- show message that shop not available end
So again everything works fine on iOS and Google, but Amazon is telling me when they click on a button to purchase an IAP, nothing happens. Unfortunately I don’t have an Amazon device to test my app on. If anyone would be willing to I could send the apk over…