counting steps

Hi there,

Guess it’s impossible to do, but here’s my question: is there a way to count steps while walking, having the app closed or running in background?

As far as i can tell there is no way to do this. I too was working on a pedometer app for someone and could not find a way to keep counting steps when the phone goes to sleep. 

As far as i can tell there is no way to do this. I too was working on a pedometer app for someone and could not find a way to keep counting steps when the phone goes to sleep. 

I was wondering if someone came up with a solution to this?

Corona SDK is not designed to run in the background.  Any interaction with Lua requires the UI to be in the foreground.  As such even with Enterprise, you couldn’t count the steps in Lua because of the UI not being there.


I was wondering if someone came up with a solution to this?

Corona SDK is not designed to run in the background.  Any interaction with Lua requires the UI to be in the foreground.  As such even with Enterprise, you couldn’t count the steps in Lua because of the UI not being there.
