CPM 2.5.1 - Did the new regex expression make it in?

I will assume not, since the format of:

[lua]local foo = function()[/lua]

Are not showing up in the function list, and you cant jump to a function definition that is in the above format. [import]uid: 5317 topic_id: 13914 reply_id: 313914[/import]

Hmmm…it must not have been picked up by the installer. :frowning:

I have another update coming out in a day or two to handle something else, so I’ll try and make sure that gets fixed, too.

But it works well on my machine! :wink:

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 13914 reply_id: 51166[/import]

Good to know! Thanks, Jay. [import]uid: 5317 topic_id: 13914 reply_id: 51238[/import]