CPM cant see the Corona simulator exe file (WinXP SP3 x86)

I had correctly browsed a path to the simulator file (in “preferences”). But as soon as I try to run the project from CPM, there comes an error that Windows can not find the path to a folder of simulator Corona SDK.
I reinstalled CPM and Corona SDK several times. In different places, on different disks. (All pathes has only English characters (I have localized WinXP(Rus)). But nothing helps - WinXP gives an error that it can not find the folder with the file Corona Simulator.exe

There is no matter to use CPM at all, if it does not work(

Please give me an advise) [import]uid: 120280 topic_id: 21013 reply_id: 321013[/import]

I don’t have a WinXP system to test on and probably won’t get one. Maybe someone here who uses CPM on XP can chime in on their experience?



PS - Yes, if this turns out to be a problem with XP I’ll make a change to the CPM website that says XP isn’t supported. [import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 21013 reply_id: 82986[/import]

I don’t normally run CoronaSDK & CPM on windows but I do have XP running in a Parallels VM. I have just downloaded and installed CoronaSDK & CPM on XP, browsed to the Simulator in CPM Preferences and run a little project from CPM. Simulator fired up fine with no problems.

So it seems CPM can work with windows XP. [import]uid: 39538 topic_id: 21013 reply_id: 83327[/import]