cpm is perfect. just one feature request.

cpm is so perfect that i almost even use the built in editor, wasnt ir
for one last (for me and my team) major missing functionality:
using tab and shift tab to indent and outdent blocks of code.
can you add this Jay.
for the rest cpm totally rocks.

and to make it the best app around:
an interface-builder-like wysiwyg interface that works with f.e. coronaui…but thatwould be too much lol

ciao [import]uid: 54669 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 309721[/import]

Yeah, not being able to un/indent blocks of code bugs me every single day – it’s *very* high on the list of things to get done.

And yes, I’d also love a basic layout tool inside CPM. It’s something I think about doing often.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Jay [import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 35459[/import]

oh jay…one more thing:
it seems CPM is resetting the screen position (on the monitor) of the simulator after every launch.
corona itself does not do this, so it must be cpm. can this be fixed?
thanks jay! [import]uid: 54669 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 35503[/import]

Oh, and the layout tool: something similar as spritedeck, but then for apps.
I bet your sales would skyrocket… :0) [import]uid: 54669 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 35588[/import]

I purchased CPM several months ago, but never used the built in editor because it was missing some features that I used a lot in Notepad++ and Textmate.

So, I decided to try the built in editor again, and wow, it has come a long ways since I used it last, but still like to see these features:

  1. The feature info080 posted, “using tab and shift tab to indent and outdent blocks of code”

  2. Selecting blocks of code to comment using – or --[[]]–

  3. Option to Highlight the current line.

[import]uid: 53445 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 51152[/import]

  1. Indenting/outdenting can be done with Command-] and Command-[ (or Control, on Windows). Being able to remap keys to something you like better, like Tab, is on the drawing board.

  2. Yeah, I was wishing for that myself just the other day. It’s on the wish-list.

  3. I meant to add that in already – the editor handles that now I just need to modify the Preferences pane so people can turn it on or off and select the highlight color. Look for it in a (near) future update.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 51161[/import]

I tried Control-] and Control-[ but doesn’t work with Windows. I’m using Bootcamp for windows, don’t think that would be the problem.

I’ll try Command-] and Command-[ on the Mac since I use that more often. As long as the braces work, I don’t need TAB’s.

Yeah the block commenting would be huge, since I use that a lot.


EDIT: Command-] and Command-[works on the Mac. [import]uid: 53445 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 51162[/import]

I’ve found this annoying too. It always starts on top of the terminal session so I have to move it *every* time to see what’s happening.

Then I thought…okay so if it’s going to be that predictable I will always put the rest of my stuff elsewhere on the screen - works for me!

Could you do that? [import]uid: 39538 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 61274[/import]


I would like the option to create json file when clicking on “New Asset+”.

Another thing/bug is when I create a new project and include files from my Library not all files get added to project or to the main.lua file.

I had the urge to for some Corona with Lime today and the files never got added, sometimes it does work but then when I run the Simulator I get an error it can’t locate the Lime files. So I had to copy the files and paste them into my project folder in order to get it to work.

The symbolic linking seems to be a bit off…

I’m on the latest build of CPM. [import]uid: 13560 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 62775[/import]


Yet another feature request, create .xml files and edit them. This would be great for Game Center etc…

So to sum up my feature req’s;

  • .json
  • .xml [import]uid: 13560 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 62827[/import]

Copying only the changed files during project launch

In big projects it takes some time to copy all unchanged assets before launching simulator. [import]uid: 96906 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 62840[/import]

@lano78 - There’s a bug in the library routine (introduced in one of the last updates) and some of the file don’t get copied to the project. That should be fixed in the next version, but it’s possible they won’t because the whole Library thing is being redone. It never quite got to the “oh, yeah!” point I wanted and is being re-brainstormed. :slight_smile:

As far as doing XML or JSON files, I will probably just add the ability to create a blank document and then when you save it, it will pick up the type from the suffix.

@Blerdo.com - Copying only changed files makes sense, but there are things going on behind the scenes that need to be done for the Simulator to pick up changes so I’m not sure I can do that. But I’m running into that problem, too, and I will look into that code to see what can be done to speed things up.

Thanks for the suggestions, folks.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 63893[/import]

That sounds great Jay, we could just insert a starter snippet from snippets library for xml files.

Another thing that came to my mind was that when I was doing some (alot) of refactoring a few days ago I really wish that there were some of that built in. For example when changing fileNames, all require(“directory.oldFileName”) would change to the new fileName.

When I was doing that I also started using the subfolder thingy for my files and OMG do I wish CPM had refactoring built in.

Looking forward to the new update.
[import]uid: 13560 topic_id: 9721 reply_id: 63904[/import]