CPM Release News and Discussion

[EDIT: Now linked to installers for v2.6.0 with even more goodness. Still mostly untested at this point!]

Okay, let’s say these releases are for people who don’t mind a little excitement. :slight_smile:

I’ve been using this version for several days but I updated my compiler and sometimes *that* can introduce things (sometimes even fixes for annoyances), so I need to pound on it some more.

But it seems pretty solid.

So if you’re already using CPM and would like to switch to the latest version, here’s the link:

Mac: http://coronaprojectmanager.com/files/test/CPM-OSX-Installer.zip

Windows: http://coronaprojectmanager.com/files/test/CPM-Setup.zip

The installers WILL overwrite your current versions of CPM, so you might want to rename them or something just in case you want to revert back. :slight_smile:

You *may* lose your editor syntax colors and have to reset those, but I think I have that taken care of.

Main Things I Hope You Will Notice:

  1. Find window should be much better behaved. It shouldn’t open duplicate windows, you should be able to close it with Command/Control-W, etc.

  2. Fixed Code Generator header template stuff that I broke in 2.5.1. :frowning:

  3. Fixed text parsing so it only outdents if ‘end’ is on a line by itself.

  4. Added Jump To Line # option under the Edit menu (Command-J).

  5. Split autocomplete words into “official” and user-generated.

  6. Ability in Prefs to specify whether to gather user-generated words for autocomplete.

  7. More error-checking in LoadPreview content to help with Win XP errors.

  8. Fixed Code Generator header template stuff that I broke in 2.5.1. :frowning:

Let me know how things work out for you.


PS - If you do NOT want to be a guinea pig, skip this and wait a few days – it will appear as an update automatically when I’m satisfied it’s less broken than the last version.
[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 314271[/import]

Hey, just wanted to mention a new feature for 2.6, it’s the Jump to Line # that David N. suggested.

I just finished adding it and I can’t believe I hadn’t added it before – it’s really handy! :slight_smile:

Just hit Command-J and a little bitty window pops up with a text field selected – type in the line number you want to go to and hit Return. Boom! You’re at that line number and the Jump To window goes away.

Works whether you’re using tabs or windows for editing.

Hit Command-J again and it remembers the last line you went to and is pre-populated – so if you’re jumping back and forth from one thing to another it’s Command-J, Return and Boom! You’re there.

If you’re wanting to type in a different line number, no sweat, because the previous choice is already highlighted so just start typing.

I know, I know, it’s a tiny little feature, but it really adds some zip when you’re jumping around a long code file.

When you get it and start using it, remember to thank David when you see him. :slight_smile:


PS - No ETA on v2.6 at this point – there are several little things like this I’d been meaning to add and a few other bugs that need to be squashed, but I hope to have it available within a couple weeks.
[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 52636[/import]

Nice addition Jay. Go to line is a small but timesaving feature :slight_smile: [import]uid: 84637 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 52667[/import]

Sounds amazing. Thanks for the hard work and making our lives better. [import]uid: 27681 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 52679[/import]

I don’t get why some complain about the price of CPM, I’d say it’s worth every penny. Keep the new features coming Jay!

Time saver. [import]uid: 13560 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 52681[/import]

you fixed Code Generator header template stuff that you broke twice?
hehe never mind :slight_smile: looking forward to check the new stuff out.
[import]uid: 70635 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 53510[/import]

Just installed this update and all looks good :slight_smile:

No issues to report

[import]uid: 33866 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 53547[/import]

Thanks Chris. I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll release it – maybe later today. So far haven’t heard any horrible news about it.

And canupa, if you think I can break something only TWICE, you must be a new customer. :slight_smile:


[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 53632[/import]

Jay, in the pre-release update you mentioned you fixed the end problem. Try writing this in maually.

local fucntion something()  
 timer.performWithDelay(200, function() someVar=12; end, 1)  

Then go back and make the value 10 or add a space. You’ll see it jump the line back a tab to complete the function. It seems like the parser is looking for the word end. If it exists then it jumps the line thinking it’s completing the object.

Also try naming a variable endXXX. For example I drove myself nuts naming something self.endPoint. Everytime I typed end it jumped it…

Hopefully that helps you understand what I’m talking about. Everything else has been solid. I’m not seeing any headers when I create a new file BUT I’m not seeing the broken text either. The CMD+J has been incredible…

Thanks! [import]uid: 27681 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 53662[/import]

It doesn’t jump on my copy – I may have screwed up changing the regex that deals with that.

Choose Show Utility Folder under the Tools menu and open the file CoronaSyntax.xml in a regular text editor.

Look for the blockEndMarker (on or around line 5) and see if it looks like this:


If not, replace it with that, save the file, and restart CPM.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 14271 reply_id: 53690[/import]