Crash (OSX) - Trying to use Arrow keys

First time trying to really use CPM -_-;;;

OSX Lion (latest) / Latest CPM / Corona Daily Build

  1. I mistakenly tried pressing down on the arrow keys to parse through my code, but it seems focus was on the project panel instead.
  2. No big deal - it selected Sample Code. So I move the pointer to the code window and click.
  3. Press down
  4. Crash. I’m wondering if maybe focus went somewhere else, like the project files pane where I only have main.lua…
  5. Anyway as a result (or maybe this is just standard behaviour? I hope not) it resets the window position and pane sizes to installation default.

I’ll keep trying… [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 18284 reply_id: 318284[/import]

No, crashing is not standard behavior. :slight_smile: Well, in a few known bugs it is, but what you just described is a new one to me.

I just tried the steps you listed and can’t make it crash.

Can you reproduce the problem every time?

Jay [import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 18284 reply_id: 70135[/import]

No, haven’t been able to repro yet. I’m going to spend some time this week just filing SDK bugs and reading message posts - either I’ll have a reply with a repro or I’ll be satisfied it won’t kill my code… [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 18284 reply_id: 70163[/import]