create an app with lua

Hi, I downloaded the Corona program to be able to create a simple app but I struggle to understand the Lua language, could someone help me?

My app should be structured as follows: the initial page, a black background with an image in the center (clickable), which takes me to another page where I will insert more images with a small title below. Each image must be clickable and each one opens a different PDF file (in the pdf file I must be able to use the zoom) that is inside the app itself. Obviously I must have the possibility to go back from the advanced pages as in a normal app.
It’s possible? Can anyone help me? Thanks.

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You should start with the guides. You could take off from there.


I started looking at this guide but it is difficult for me to program something different, isn’t there something already written similar to what I want to do? At least the page change by pressing an image …

You could fire up the simulator, select “New Project” and then select “eBook”. That’d give you a project that somewhat does what you are looking for.

Otherwise you’d better start googling for stuff like “corona sdk open pdf”, etc. and you’ll find a few pdf readers.

For changing pages you will find Composer if you do what XeduR recommended. You can also search for “Corona sdk tutorial” which will give you many tutorials, even though being old.

I have many examples of many things answering many question on my Gits.

One too many uses of the word many? :slight_smile:

Composer related examples:

My Gits: (see AskEd folder for lots of stuff)

For later, when you get further along in your learning:

Please note. You won’t be able to open PDF documents within display groups, etc. You can probably open them with the help of an external app, but that isn’t really a beginner level thing.

So, I ask. Is the PDF part of your question important, or was that just an example mechanic you thought would be interesting?