Create PDF with images on Desktop

Does anyone know of a way to create a pdf on macOS Desktop?  luaFpdf ALMOST works but I can’t figure out how to add images. I was going to use Scott Harrison’s PDF IMAGE CONVERTER but Display.Save() does not work on Desktop…

Thanks in Advance…


In what way doesn’t not work on the desktop?  I just took the code example from the docs and built a Mac app with it and it wrote the display group out to the system.DocumentsDirectory like it should.


I did the same thing and it will not save for me. 

I am on Mac 10.13.1

this is main file ( straight from example) 

local myObject1 = display.newRect( 50, 50, 100, 150 )  – Create a rectangle object

local myObject2 = display.newCircle( 100, 300, 50 )    – Create a circle object


local group = display.newGroup()


group:insert( myObject1 )

group:insert( myObject2 ) group, { filename=“entireGroup.png”, baseDir=system.DocumentsDirectory, captureOffscreenArea=true, backgroundColor={0,0,0,0} } )

You are correct, I was looking in the Mac DOCUMENTS directory, not the system.DocumentsDirectory ( in library/Application Support/)

Thanks Rob


In what way doesn’t not work on the desktop?  I just took the code example from the docs and built a Mac app with it and it wrote the display group out to the system.DocumentsDirectory like it should.


I did the same thing and it will not save for me. 

I am on Mac 10.13.1

this is main file ( straight from example) 

local myObject1 = display.newRect( 50, 50, 100, 150 )  – Create a rectangle object

local myObject2 = display.newCircle( 100, 300, 50 )    – Create a circle object


local group = display.newGroup()


group:insert( myObject1 )

group:insert( myObject2 ) group, { filename=“entireGroup.png”, baseDir=system.DocumentsDirectory, captureOffscreenArea=true, backgroundColor={0,0,0,0} } )

You are correct, I was looking in the Mac DOCUMENTS directory, not the system.DocumentsDirectory ( in library/Application Support/)

Thanks Rob