Hi everyone,
I wanted to share a reusable UI slider I created, roughly based on the Material UI guidelines. This slider is built using primitive elements like circles and rectangles, and it includes some smooth animations for a polished look. I thought it might be useful for others, so here’s the code and a detailed explanation.
• A track with rounded caps for a smoother look.
• A thumb that can be dragged to select a value.
• A colored, filled track that visually represents the selected value.
• A semi-transparent overlay that appears when the thumb is pressed and dragged, providing visual feedback.
local function createSlider(options)
-- Default options
options = options or {}
local width = options.width or 200
local height = options.height or 4
local thumbRadius = options.thumbRadius or 10
local capRadius = height / 2
local minValue = options.minValue or 0
local maxValue = options.maxValue or 100
local startValue = options.startValue or 0
local onChange = options.onChange or function(value) end
-- Create slider group
local sliderGroup = display.newGroup()
-- Create the track
local track = display.newRect(sliderGroup, 0, 0, width, height)
track:setFillColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
track.anchorX = 0
track.x = -width / 2
-- Create the filled part of the track
local filledTrack = display.newRect(sliderGroup, 0, 0, (startValue - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue) * width, height)
filledTrack:setFillColor(0.3, 0.6, 0.9)
filledTrack.anchorX = 0
filledTrack.x = -width / 2
-- Create the caps
local leftCap = display.newCircle(sliderGroup, -width / 2, 0, capRadius)
leftCap:setFillColor(0.3, 0.6, 0.9) -- same color as the filled track
local rightCap = display.newCircle(sliderGroup, width / 2, 0, capRadius)
rightCap:setFillColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
-- Create the thumb
local thumb = display.newCircle(sliderGroup, 0, 0, thumbRadius * 2)
thumb.xScale = 0.5
thumb.yScale = 0.5
thumb:setFillColor(0.3, 0.6, 0.9)
thumb.x = (startValue - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue) * width - width / 2
-- Functions to show and hide the touch overlay
local showOverlay = function(overlay)
transition.to(overlay, {xScale = 0.5, yScale = 0.5, time = 150, tag = "moveOverlay"})
local hideOverlay = function(overlay)
transition.to(overlay, {xScale = 0.1, yScale = 0.1, time = 150, onComplete = function() overlay.isVisible = false end, tag = "moveOverlay"})
-- Create the touch overlay
local touchOverlay = display.newCircle(sliderGroup, thumb.x, thumb.y, thumbRadius * 4)
touchOverlay.xScale = 0.1
touchOverlay.yScale = 0.1
touchOverlay:setFillColor(0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 0.3)
touchOverlay.isVisible = false
-- Touch event for the thumb
local function onThumbTouch(event)
if event.phase == "began" then
thumb.isFocus = true
touchOverlay.isVisible = true
elseif event.phase == "moved" then
if thumb.isFocus then
local newX = event.x - sliderGroup.x
if newX < -width / 2 then
newX = -width / 2
elseif newX > width / 2 then
newX = width / 2
thumb.x = newX
touchOverlay.x = newX
filledTrack.width = newX + width / 2
local value = minValue + (newX + width / 2) / width * (maxValue - minValue)
elseif event.phase == "ended" or event.phase == "cancelled" then
thumb.isFocus = nil
return true
thumb:addEventListener("touch", onThumbTouch)
return sliderGroup
Here is how it could be used:
-- Example usage
local slider = createSlider({
width = 300,
height = 6,
thumbRadius = 12,
minValue = 0,
maxValue = 100,
startValue = 50,
onChange = function(value)
print("Slider value: " .. value)
• Track: A rectangle representing the slider’s range.
• Filled Track: A rectangle that grows/shrinks with the thumb, representing the selected value.
• Caps: Circles at both ends of the track for a smoother appearance.
• Thumb: A circle that users can drag to select a value.
• Touch Overlay: A larger, semi-transparent circle that appears when the thumb is pressed and dragged, providing visual feedback.
Feel free to customize the slider to fit your needs. I hope you find this useful! Cheers