Creating a physics body, e.g. a box/bowl - open ended


I’m trying to create a box object with an open end, so that it can hold another object.

I checked out the guide in physics bodies which was very helpful but when I try to change the angles to two 90degree angles it doesn’t like that at all.

{ 0,-35, 37,30, -37,30 }  = triangle

{ 0,-90, 90,-0 } = attempt at open square, doesn’t like it 

Not sure If I’m approaching this in the right way.

Can anyone help please :slight_smile:

It’s not entirely clear exactly what type of shape you’re trying to define, but…

Physics bodies should have area (or at least, most should) – your two-point line won’t, and certainly doesn’t form a “box” by any definition. Try thinking in terms of “block letters” - you’ll need to define the full _outline_ of a “L” or “U” or “V” (whichever shape you’re going for), which would respectively require 6, 8 or 6 vertices at least… IFF you could define them as a single body, but you can’t: you’ll need a multi-element body to prevent concavity. Think about two axis-oriented rectangles for an “L”, or three axis-oriented rectangles for a “U”, or two overlapping angled rectangles for a “V”.

fwiw, hth

Thanks!! The two 'L’s example makes it a bit clearer. I’ll give that a go.

It’s not entirely clear exactly what type of shape you’re trying to define, but…

Physics bodies should have area (or at least, most should) – your two-point line won’t, and certainly doesn’t form a “box” by any definition. Try thinking in terms of “block letters” - you’ll need to define the full _outline_ of a “L” or “U” or “V” (whichever shape you’re going for), which would respectively require 6, 8 or 6 vertices at least… IFF you could define them as a single body, but you can’t: you’ll need a multi-element body to prevent concavity. Think about two axis-oriented rectangles for an “L”, or three axis-oriented rectangles for a “U”, or two overlapping angled rectangles for a “V”.

fwiw, hth

Thanks!! The two 'L’s example makes it a bit clearer. I’ll give that a go.