Hi i want to name a function this way, but it wont work using “[]” on the function name, is there a way to create this using table widget refering to that “CA[ArquivoC]”?
function CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.onRowTouch( event )
local phase = event.phase
local row = event.target
if ( “release” == phase ) then
CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.tableView = widget.newTableView
top = CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.barraLateralPagina.y + CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.barraLateralPagina.height + 13,
left = 0,
width = 75,
height = 550-6,
hideBackground = true,
hideScrollBar = false,
rowTouchDelay = 0,
--backgroundColor = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 },
listener = CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.listener,
onRowRender = CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.onRowRender,
--onRowUpdate = CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.onRowUpdate,
onRowTouch = CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.onRowTouch,
scrollBarOptions = {
sheet = CA[ArquivoC].menuLateral.scrollBarSheet, – Reference to the image sheet
topFrame = 1, – Number of the “top” frame
middleFrame = 2, – Number of the “middle” frame
bottomFrame = 3, – Number of the “bottom” frame
frameWidth = 10,
The error is this: ‘(’ expected near ‘[’
thanks in advance
My best regards!