So basically, the EMITTER would yes be affected by the emitters own properties that are set when you create the emitter. What i am talking about is when you have an EMITTER following a display object that is constantly moving along the X axis for example, and all the particles that the EMITTER shoots out, get trailed behind in a different manner compared to if the EMITTER were to be just stationary… I know that having it do this is more “realistic”, but i think it could be really helpful to have emitters that act more like a spritesheet, because if you have an emitter thats following a display object as it moves, most of the particles get trailed behind very quickly and you start to get gaps in your effect, so you have to up the number of particles, which costs more performance. Not sure if what im saying will make sense, if it doesn’t just let me know, and im sure i could make up a video of sorts to demonstrate. thanks [import]uid: 19620 topic_id: 18246 reply_id: 73973[/import]