Currency type

Hello all,

How can I get the currency type for an App-Store product?.

localizedPrice does not help because i need it for analytics.

Hello @dorl,

Which IAP service are you using? Apple’s or Google v3?



Hi @dorl,

Does merely .price give you a more useful number, in comparison to .localizedPrice? Google IAP gives you a “currency code” property, but I don’t believe Apple provides that detail.


Hi Brent,

.price just returns the number while .localizedPrice returns a string that contains the number plus a currency sign (I was only be able to test in two different app-store region).

After a some searching, it seems apple does provides this detail, it involves using “objectForKey:NSLocaleCurrencyCode” with “SKProduct.priceLocale”.

Hi Brent, 

Any updates ?

Brent or any other other guy from Corona, Please advise on this.

Hi @dorl,

I don’t have an update yet. Can you possibly file a bug report on this, so it gets properly logged in our tracking system?

In the meantime, can you just create a table of relational values that indicate your currency code values? Something like a lookup table which contains the item IDs along with the currency code for it, and you can pull those values for use with analytics.

Best regards,


Hello @dorl,

Which IAP service are you using? Apple’s or Google v3?



Hi @dorl,

Does merely .price give you a more useful number, in comparison to .localizedPrice? Google IAP gives you a “currency code” property, but I don’t believe Apple provides that detail.


Hi Brent,

.price just returns the number while .localizedPrice returns a string that contains the number plus a currency sign (I was only be able to test in two different app-store region).

After a some searching, it seems apple does provides this detail, it involves using “objectForKey:NSLocaleCurrencyCode” with “SKProduct.priceLocale”.

Hi Brent, 

Any updates ?

Brent or any other other guy from Corona, Please advise on this.

Hi @dorl,

I don’t have an update yet. Can you possibly file a bug report on this, so it gets properly logged in our tracking system?

In the meantime, can you just create a table of relational values that indicate your currency code values? Something like a lookup table which contains the item IDs along with the currency code for it, and you can pull those values for use with analytics.

Best regards,
