Hey all, I’m fairly new to Solar2d and Lua. I can’t for the life of me figure out what I’m doing wrong. I’m following the example of customizing text input, but I just get error after error. Also why in this tutorial is there a function with no end statement? Any help with how to implement this properly is very appreciated.
The error:
ERROR: Syntax error
main.lua:122: ‘’ expected near ‘local’
My code which is mostly just copied and pasted:
– main.lua
local myTextField = widget.newTextField(
top = 10,
left = 20,
width = 200,
height = 30,
cornerRadius = 8,
strokeWidth = 3,
backgroundColor = { 1, 1, 1 },
strokeColor = { 0, 0, 0 },
font = “Helvetica”,
fontSize = 24,
listener = textFieldHandler
local function textFieldHandler( event )
– “event.text” only exists during the editing phase to show what’s being edited;
– it is NOT the field’s “.text” attribute (that is “event.target.text”).
if ( event.phase == “began” ) then
– user begins editing textField
print( “Begin editing”, event.target.text )
elseif ( event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “submitted” ) then
– do something with defaulField’s text
print( "Final Text: ", event.target.text )
native.setKeyboardFocus( nil )
elseif ( event.phase == “editing” ) then
print( event.newCharacters )
print( event.oldText )
print( event.startPosition )
print( event.text )
local widget = require(“widget”)
function widget.newTextField( options )
function widget.newTextField( options )
local customOptions = options or {}
local opt = {}
opt.left = customOptions.left or 0
opt.top = customOptions.top or 0
opt.x = customOptions.x or 0
opt.y = customOptions.y or 0
opt.width = customOptions.width or (display.contentWidth * 0.75)
opt.height = customOptions.height or 20
opt.id = customOptions.id
opt.listener = customOptions.listener or nil
opt.text = customOptions.text or “”
opt.inputType = customOptions.inputType or “default”
opt.font = customOptions.font or native.systemFont
opt.fontSize = customOptions.fontSize or opt.height * 0.67
– Vector options
opt.strokeWidth = customOptions.strokeWidth or 2
opt.cornerRadius = customOptions.cornerRadius or opt.height * 0.33 or 10
opt.strokeColor = customOptions.strokeColor or { 0, 0, 0 }
opt.backgroundColor = customOptions.backgroundColor or { 1, 1, 1 }
local field = display.newGroup()
local background = display.newRoundedRect( 0, 0, opt.width, opt.height, opt.cornerRadius )
background:setFillColor( unpack(opt.backgroundColor) )
background.strokeWidth = opt.strokeWidth
background.stroke = opt.strokeColor
field:insert( background )
if ( opt.x ) then
field.x = opt.x
elseif ( opt.left ) then
field.x = opt.left + opt.width * 0.5
if ( opt.y ) then
field.y = opt.y
elseif ( opt.top ) then
field.y = opt.top + opt.height * 0.5
– Native UI element
local tHeight = opt.height - opt.strokeWidth * 2
if “Android” == system.getInfo(“platformName”) then
– Older Android devices have extra “chrome” that needs to be compesnated for.
tHeight = tHeight + 10
field.textField = native.newTextField( 0, 0, opt.width - opt.cornerRadius, tHeight )
field.textField.x = field.x
field.textField.y = field.y
field.textField.hasBackground = false
field.textField.inputType = opt.inputType
field.textField.text = opt.text
print( opt.listener, type(opt.listener) )
if ( opt.listener and type(opt.listener) == “function” ) then
field.textField:addEventListener( “userInput”, opt.listener )
local deviceScale = ( display.pixelWidth / display.contentWidth ) * 0.5
field.textField.font = native.newFont( opt.font )
field.textField.size = opt.fontSize * deviceScale
function field:finalize( event )
field:addEventListener( “finalize” )
return field
local myTextField = widget.newTextField(
width = 250,
height = 30,
text = “Hello World!”,
fontSize = 18,
font = “HelveticaNeue-Light”,
listener = textFieldHandler
myTextField.x = display.contentCenterX
myTextField.y = 100
local myText = myTextField.textField.text
myTextField.textField.text = “Edited Value”